Thursday, March 24, 2016

Day 40 - A Friday night alone

March 18, 2016
Day 40
It's Friday night and I am home alone!  Nobody but me!  I could drink and nobody would be any the wiser.  It would just be between me and the cabernet.  You see, I do drink socially, but how much I drink is my dirty little secret.  I drink at home.  I have never been arrested, pulled over, blacked out.  Nothing has happened to me that was a game changer due to my drinking.  Or has it?  Is my liver pickled?  (i do get liver function tests every year and they are good…so far!)  Is a cancer from alcohol brewing?  Are other physical things happening within my body that I am not aware of?  I sure hope  I stopped before it was too late.  

But you know what did happen?  I think that I have hurt people.  I really do.  Because I have no filter when drinking, things just come out.  I have "righteous indignation."  I am always the "victim."  For years I've blamed relationship flaws on the other person…never me.  My righteous indignation!  I think that I have made people unnecessarily suffer because I just think I'm always right.  

Well, tonight, I am calling a good friend who I think I put in that situation.  I never really speak to her without booze in my system.  It just works out that we speak at night.  Tonight, I was a good listener.  I really enjoyed the conversation.  I wasn't filled with righteous indignation.  I was just me.  I hung up happy.  Time to fix what me and my wine broke!

So take that wine!  I didn't give into you (although I wanted to desperately!)  And I had a lovely conversation with a friend!!!

Call a friend tonight!
Sober at 53

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